segunda-feira, junho 01, 2009

2009 Concerts&Festivals Road trip

Pessoal, venho aqui partilhar convosco a minha agenda Belga para o verão de 2009!! ehehhe

é copy paste de um email mas dá pra ficarem com uma ideia :D:

Dear all,

I think we all are in the mood of having fun and attend good vibration festival and concerts if we are available at the I made a little wishlist with the ones I´d like to attend:
Sabine and Lieve...thanks for the tips and links :D......Besides being very nice you also have a very good taste!!! eheheh

20 June - Tw Classic - the first of many festivals in good company (Sabine...why not taking a plane just to the festivals and concerts start up journey? :D)
Me and Pedro will buy the tickets at the station before they´re sold out and join this first trip!!

26/27/28 June - Solidays - Paris - This is a Festival not to miss....I´ve been trying to know where Manu Chao would play in Europe....Now I know...Paris!!! not near but not far....2 hours aprox!! The 3 day line up is great and if we could manage to go it would be unforgetable!!!
Better is that is almost for free....3 days pass is 45€....2 days pass is 40€...and 1 day pass 30€!!! I think is a good oportunity to see a very nice festival!!! Of course the festival ends in a sunday and Manu Chao is on Sunday, but for this one I´d ask for monday of!!! Here is the site!! Just take a look :-)..... I don´t know if Sabine is already back....are you?

8 July - Jazz in Gent - BB King is going....We cannot miss it - it´s the Bob Marley of the blues....He´s not getting younger, so I really think it will be one of the last oportunities to see him...if not the last... I think the price is € 39,50...I´ll go to buy myne asap and I can by for the rest of us that wanna go!!
Believe´s a concert not to miss, and the company is good!! ehheeh :p....
Sabine, at this time you can already join us, right? :-)

31 July - Who would tell we´d be able to see this to Dj´s acting in the same place in the same night? 2 Many Dj´s and Fatboy Slim!!! What a show!! This is guaranted quality and with a sales price!!!
6 August - The same festival and more great names like Digitalism (the problem is that this is will be difficult to attend :-(
7 August - and the show with Cypress Hill
This is the festival:
25€ per day :D

Well, this is the initial list....We also have many other concerts (this is a good concerts and festival browser: that we can attend!! and there must be many good things for free as well (!!

Now the other part....I´d love to attend to all the concerts, but I´d like to go with your company!!! What do you say....who´s with me? eheheeh :D
Pedro.....não te cortes!!!! :D you won´t be able to attend all, there are no excuses for the rest :D
Lieve...there are no excuses also....afterall you desirve it after the thesis hardwork!!! And you should attend all you can before starting working :D

I just ask you to reply asap as we need to be cautious with the sold out tickets!!

At least tell me who wants to attend to BB King with me asap as it´s near and tickets will be sold out soon for sure....I´ll buy the tickets for all that wanna come along, and that way we have seats together!!! I´ll buy them till wednesday!!! :D



:D*** (kisses only for Sabine and Lieve) ehehe have a´s the best I can do....eeeheh!! lol

Tamos juntos e vamos juntos!!!

Keep in touch...and I´m waiting for your feedback...reply all and that way you can have a chat about the topic ;-)


Que me dizem a isto!!!! Who´s with me? Abreijos!! Tamos juntos

4 comentários:

Mexi disse...

Boi... Aquele do 2manydjs e do fatboy slim deixou-me com água na boca. Se calhar ainda aí vou...
Aproveita menaço!
Ab do Lemos

Eda disse...

Ju... parece muito interessante, mas o timing é que é naquela... A maior parte dos dias é ao fds e aí até poderá ter mais viabilidade, mas a contenção de custos obriga-me a pensar duas vezes... É a mudanaça de casa, as férias em Setembro e a viagem em Outubro...

tá maaaaaaaau... lol


Miguel Trindade disse...

ó tantas queixas qualquer dia tás a cantar o fado!!! eheheh
Tamos juntos

Capanga disse...

E eu vou juntar-me ao queixume...
E Fred canta o FADO !!!
N ha dinheiro para isso tudo. O pessoal começa a trabalhar mas tb deixa de ter o "pai"trocinio para estas cenas.
Mas Mike...TOP!!!